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Design by Dzignine
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Resep Combine Card Football Saga 2

Resep Combine Card:
Basic Skill Card >>> Complete
Persentase Keberhasilan sekitar 60% - 80%
Spirit + Spirit = Basic Grip (Han +2)
Spirit + Passion = Sprinting (Spd +2)
Spirit + Intelligence = Basic Trick (Drib +2)
Spirit + Loyalty = Legal Vitamin (Phy +2)
Courage + Courage = Zone Mark (Mar +2)
Courage + Passion = Basic Jump (Jump +2)
Courage + Intelligence = Basic Pass (Pass +2)
Passion + Passion = Charge (Tac +2)
Passion + Loyalty = Basic Sensing (Ref +2)
Intelligence + Intelligence = basic vision (Con +2)
Intelligence + Loyalty = Basic Set Play (Spc +2)

*Basic Shoot (SHO +3 SPC +2) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)

Power Play >>> Complete
Persentase Keberhasilan sekitar 40% - 60%
Spirit + Basic Trick = Feint (Drib +4)
Spirit + Basic Grip = Power Grip (Han +4)
Spirit + Zone mark = Man 2 Man (Mar +4)
Passion + Basic Jump = Power Jump (Aer +4)
Passion + Charge = Quick Steal (Tac +4)
Inteligence + Basic Pass = Through Pass (Pas +4)
Inteligence + Basic Shoot = Power Shoot (Sho +4)
Inteligence + Basic Vision = Focus (Con +4)
Loyalty + Charge = Body Charge (Phy +4)
Loyalty + Basic Set Play = Corner Kick (Spc +4)
Loyalty + Basic Sensing = Quick Response (Ref +4)

*Power Sprint (Spd +6 Phy +2) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)
Advance Play >>> Complete
Persentase keberhasilan sekitar 60% - 80%
Basic Shoot + Intelligence + Passion = Drive Shoot (Sho +4, Spc +4)
Legal Vitamin + Loyalty + Courage = Spirited Up (Con +4, Phy +4)
Basic Shoot + Intelligence + Spirit = First Time Shoot (Ref +4, Con +4)
Legal Vitamin + Spirit + Loyalty = Last Breath (Spd +4, Phy +4)
Basic Pass + Intelligence + Courage = One-Two Pass (Drb +4, Pas +4)
Basic Jump + Passion + Courage = Aerial Attack (Ref +4, Aer +4)
Zone Mark + Loyalty + Loyalty = Zone Lock (Mar +4, Tac +4)
Charge + Passion + Passion = Essence of Defense (Tac +4, AER +4)
Basic Set Play + Spirit + Passion = Direct Attack (Sho +4, Pas +4)
Basic Sensing + Spirit + Spirit = Cross Prevention (Han +4, Aer +4)
Basic Pass + Loyalty + Intelligence = Counter Cross (Spd +4, Pas +4)

*Diving Saves (Han +6, Mar +6) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)

Advance Play = Basic + elemen + elemen

Daily Pro >>> Complete
Drinking Water = basic sensing + legal vitamin + spirit + spirit
(stats : CND +5%)
Bargain Price = Basic Trick + Zone Mark + Courage + Courage
(stats : DISC +5%)
Highly Motivated = Basic Sensing + Zone Mark + Spirit + Spirit
(stats : EXP + 1 )
Small Discount = Basic Vision + Basic Set Play + Passion + Passion
(stats : Disc +2% Shop)
Isotonic Water (CND +10%) = basic pass + legal vitamin + spirit + spirit
(stats : CND +10%)
Personal Sponsor = Basic Jump + Basic Grip + Loyalty + Loyalty
stats : +10% Gold Gain (Challenge))
*Good Deal = rare card (Disc +10% (shop))

Fantasia >>> Complete
Basic Pass + Through Pass + Spirit + Passion = Rabona (Pas +10, Spd +5)
Basic Sensing + Quick Response + Spirit + Courage = Collapse Dive (Han +10, Ref +5)
Basic Grip + Power Grip + Passion + Intelligent = Keep The Ball (Phy +10, Drb +5)
Basic Jump + Power Jump + Courage + Courage = Glancing Header (Aer +10, Phy +5)
Charge + Body Charge + Courage + Passion = Rough Tackle (Tac +10, Mar +5)
Sprinting + Power Sprint + Spirit + Courage = Kick n Rush ( SPD +10 - PHY +5 )
Basic Trick + Through Pass + Passion + Intelligence = Fantasista ( DRB +10 - PAS +5 )
Basic shoot + Power Jump + Spirit + Courage = Instep Drive ( SHT +10 - REF +5 )
Basic set play + Focus + intelligence + loyalty = El Capitano ( CON +10 - PAS +5 )
Quick Response + Basic Set Play + Intelligence + loyality = Offside Trap ( MAR +10 - CON +5 )
Basic Pass + Feint + Courage + Passion = Pedalada ( SPD +10 - DRB +5 )

*Future Legend (SPC +15, CON+5) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)

Lifestyle >>> Complete
Private Jet : Personal Sponsor + Intelligence + Diving Saves + Intelligence + Spirit
PHY +15 CON +5%

Body Building : Isotonic Water + Courage + Essence of Defense + Courage + Passion
PHY +15 AER +15 CON -30%
WAGs : Personal Sponsor + Passion + Last Breath + Loyalty + Passion
GOLD +25% DISC +2%

Jet Set : Drinking Water + Passion + Spirited Up + Passion + Passion
GOLD +5% DISC +5%

Villa : Bargain Price + Loyalty + Zone Lock + Loyalty + Intelligence
GOLD +10% CND +1%

Apartment : Bargain Price + Loyalty + Zone Lock + Loyalty + Loyalty
GOLD +10% CND +1%

Night Life : Drinking Water + Passion + Drive Shoot + Passion + Courage
TAC +15 MAR +15 CND -50%

AGT-104 : Rare card
REF +25 SPD +25 CND -30%

Player Agent : Personal Sponsor + Intelligence + Direct attack + Intelligence + Loyalty
EXP +5

Holiday : Isotonic Water + Spirit + Spirited Up + Spirit + Loyalty
CND +10% EXP +2

Family Car : Small Discount + Loyalty + Drive Shoot + Loyalty + Spirit
HAN +15 CND +5%

Wine : Isotonic Water + Passion + Counter cross + Passion + Spirit
REF +20 DRB +20 CON -10 PHY -10

MAESTRO >>> Complete
Collapse Dive + Quick Response + Courage + Courage = High Diving Saves (Han +10, Aer +10)
Pedalada + Feint + Intelligence + Courage = Roulette (SPD +10, DRB +10)
El Capitano + Body Charge + Spirit + Passion = Grand Finale (CON +10, PHY +10)
Rabona+ Feint + Passion + Courage = Hocus Pocus (CON +10, DRB +10)
El Capitano + Quick Response + Loyalty + Loyalty = Nationalism (TAC+10, PAS +10)
glancing header + power shoot + spirit + courage = Diving Header (SHO +10, AER +10)
Instep drive + Power Shot + Spirit + Loyalty = Ground Kick (PAS +10, SPC +10)
offside trap + focus + loyalty + courage = Jockeying (MAR +10, CON +10)
Keep the ball + quick Response + Passion + Passion = Sombrero (Ref +10, Spd +10)
Fantasista + Quick Steal + Spirit + Spirit = Past Glory (MAR +10, PHY +10)
Keep the ball + Power Sprint + Passion + Spirit = Possession Football (PAS +10, DRB +10)

*Nutmeg (SPD +15, CON +15) rare card, hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box


Combine 2 kartu + gagal = Element
Combine 3 kartu + gagal = Basic Skill
Combine 4 kartu + gagal = Power Play
Combine 5 kartu + gagal = Advance Play

- Kartu berjenis apapun, yang penting memenuhi jumlah kartu yang dikombinasikan
- Kartu yang didapat random
- Saya sudah mencobanya dengan menggunakan 5 kartu Advance Play, gagal, sehingga mendapatkan kartu Advance lagi


#73 Roulette (Spd +10, Drb +10) = Pedalada + Feint + Intelligence + Courage

#74 Nutmeg (Spd +15, Con +15) = RARE CARD

#75 Hocus Pocus (Con +10, Drb +10) = Rabona+ Feint + Passion + Courage

#76 Sombrero (Ref +10, Spd +10) = Keep the ball + quick Response + Passion + Passion

#77 Grand Finale (Con +10, Phy +10) = El Capitano + Body Charge + Spirit + Passion

#78 Nationalism (Tac +10, Pas +10) = El Capitano + Quick Response + Loyalty + Loyalty

#79 Past Glory (Mar +10, Phy +10) = Fantasista + Quick Steal + Spirit + Spirit

#80 Possession Football (Pas +10, Drb +10) = Keep the ball + Power Sprint + Passion + Spirit

#81 High Diving Saves (Han +10, Aer +10) = Collapse Dive + Quick Responce + Courage + Courage

#82 Diving Header Sho +10, Aer +10) = Glancing Header + Power Shoot + Spirit + Courage

#83 Jockeying (Mar +10, Con +10) = offside trap + focus + loyalty + courage

#84 Ground Kick (Pas +10, Spc +10) = Instep drive + Power Shot + Spirit + Loyalty


Hair Cream (Gold +40% (challenge), EXP +5, CND -10%) = Wine + Isotonic Water + Drinking Water + Legal Vitamin + Courage

Volley (SHO +15, REF +5, EXP +5, CND -15%)= Sombrero + Instep Drive + First Time Shoot + Power Shoot + Courage

Last Man (HAN +15, CON +5, EXP +5, CND -15%) = Jockeying + Zone lock + Kick n Rush + Man to Man + Spirit

Slide Tackle (TAC +15, SPD +5, EXP +5, CND -15%) = Jockeying + Last Breath + Rough Tackle + Power Sprint + Courage

Ritual (MAR +15, EXP +5, CND +5%) = Holiday + Fantasista + Highly Motivated + Spirited Up + Spirit

Foca (DRB +10, AER +10, CND -15%) = Diving Header + Aerial Attack + Glancing Header + Basic Grip + Passion

Training Camp (EXP +15, CND -15%) = Villa + One-Two Pass - Keep The Ball + Power Sprint + Spirit

*Opening Ceremony (CON +25, EXP +5, CND -10%) = rare card
*Live Broadcast (EXP +5, Gold +50% (challenge)) = rare card
Source : agate forum (ini adalah hasil rekapan dari forume agate footballs saga 2)